My husband and I have not jumped on the Netflix bandwagon - until now. A week ago we caved and finally gave in. I complained a lot over Christmas break about not having TV to watch and watching reruns was getting ridiculous. I also like having my own TV shows that I can watch so that when Ryan works late, or I have extra time I can watch those! My wonderful friend told me about the show Reign and how I had to get into it so it's the first show that I tried on Netflix and oh my goodness. I'm addicted. If you haven't checked it out you have to. It's way different from what I normally watch but I am loving it so far.
This week my nuggets and I dove into "ING" and inflected endings. In first grade they just have to be able to use and recognize them so we did some fun activities to get ourselves familiar with them. I found all these great activities from Thank God It's First Grade and my kids were eating it up. We made "King of ING" crowns and brainstormed words all week as well as did some of her fun little worksheets. My kids were recognizing ING everywhere and it made my teacher heart dance.
All 23 of my "Kings and Queens"
I have been majorly messing around with my math block this year trying to figure out what I like best. Our district does "Investigations" math and we are to follow it pretty closely so I've been trying to find out ways that I really like to teach it and make it engaging to the kiddos. Right now we are trying a "Math Workshop" sort of way and I'm liking it - somedays I get kids in small groups and other days I get to observe and watch their work on games to figure out what they need. This week we got to work on story problems to better know our facts to 10. I used their names in the story problems and made them kind of funny and the kids ate it up. You would have thought I gave them a prize or something. They were laughing and joking around but still solving the problem. It was so fun. Definitely something I'll add in next week again.
I started the TPT journey in January and am slowly but surely am getting a new product up. I only have one free product right now. My goal was to get 3 up by the end of the month but I got sick about a week in and couldn't kick the cold and then had to get all caught back up at school, AND have a life besides work. You all know how it goes. However, I have had 10 downloads of my free product and someone left me feedback the other day. I squealed when I got the email in my car on the way home. Whoever this person is, doesn't fully understand how much they made my day. That being said, I am working on a True and False math product right now that I hope to have up by the end of the weekend next week.
Superbowl is this weekend. I love this weekend at the start of a new year. I loved it more last year when my team was in the Superbowl - my husband and I are pretty big Bronco's fans. Right now we are not talking about our team and pretending they don't exist. Ryan is taking the loss pretty hard. However, I am excited to hang out with friends on Sunday and enjoy the last game of football for the year and eat lots of food. Calories don't matter on Sunday I've decided. It's a great refresher before diving into a week of teaching and conferences next week.
Thanks for checking out my Five for Friday! Check on my TPT Store for that upcoming project on True and False! Thanks for all the inspiring teachers out there who push me to be a better teacher!
Until next time.