I also got some time to read this break - which has been great. The Selection is a book you should check out. It's a mix between The Bachelor and the Hunger Games. I really like it so far! Thanks to my very good friend for recommending it. So, I haven't done just a little update on what our classroom has been up to so I thought I'd fill everyone in.
Since we only had 2 days before we went on break, we dove into Presidents so that my littles really understood why they were getting 3 days off of school. We read lots of books on George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and we even got to pretend that we were the President for the day, and what we would change. Our school district has bought a subscription to PebbleGo books. As a teacher I LOVE them. They were simple, made my emergent and early readers, and it reads the books to the kids. I let the kiddos explore some of the presidents books on their iPads and read more about the Presidents of their choice. My littles are also obsessed with BrainPOP Jr. Sometimes I'll tell them that we HAVE to watch another Annie and Moby video (and make it sound like a tragedy) and they get all excited - they really love the characters! Brain pop is usually someplace that I look first thing for topics - they have great introductory videos. After reading about the Presidents we practiced our comparing and contrasting and describing of characters - my littles got together with partners and they did a great job! They focused on their hair, and clothes, and faces - some of them wrote "they both have wrinkles" and I about died in my seat.
They also have become huge fans of Arthur & Marc Brown books. When we have indoor recess - and indoor recess that lasts all day, for all 3 recesses mind you - I usually cave on the 2nd or 3rd recess and put on a movie for them. It's calming and the kids love Arthur. You can find full episodes on YouTube and it is a teacher's DREAM. I have a browse bin in our classroom that I fill with books on topics we are studying - animals, space, etc. - but I decided since next week we are focusing on point of view I filled up that bin with Arthur books. My littles were so happy - they dove into them when they were done with their diagrams and read with their friends. It was so cute!
We also ended our week with a Valentine's day party - load them up with sugar and send them home! We played a relay game, decorated cookies, and made Valentines for our parents. I had kiddos make Valentine boxes at their homes and bring them to school. I love seeing home creative they get with their boxes! We had such a fun party day, and since it was at the end of the day I got to just send them on their way for break! No better way to end the short week than a party of fun.
The robot one was so cute! They took a lot of time with their boxes - and they were so proud of them! We open Valentines in the last few minutes of the party - it was so cute to see their faces and when they walked up to each other and thank them. I love my group this year!
Today I'v been running to appointments all around town - doctor, eye, dentist - and getting stuff ready for the week. Tonight, the husband is taking me on a date for Valentines day! I'm super lucky to have such a great husband. He knows I hate crowds so we didn't go out Saturday and he made plans for tonight. We just enjoyed a nice Saturday night of homemade food and Netflix. Super blessed to have a husband who loves and cares for me the way he does.
Hope your week goes great! Enjoy your last few hours of break! Until next time.