Monday, March 2, 2015

Currently: March

It's time for my favorite linky!  Hooray!  I love linking up with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for her monthly currently linky.  I can't believe it's already March! Makes me so sad that I only have like 9 weeks left with my firsties!  I've grown to love them and care for them so much.  They're incredible kiddos with the best hearts.  I'm going to soak up our time together before the end of the year.  Where did my second year of teaching go! AH.  Slow down time.

So, here we go - I love the design of this linky by the way.  Hoping to get another blog post in this week so this one might be short - also, the Bachelor is on and I am in love.

Listening: I am in love with this season of the Bachelor.  I watch it every year but I really like Chris and think he's got great intentions - call me crazy.  Also, this episode of "Women Tell All" might be one of my favorite because all the women get to chat out all the drama.  I'm a sucker for reality TV.  I have so much TV I'm sucked in with right now - Survivor, Real World, the Challenge, Catfish.  Told you - I'm a sucker.

Loving: I decided to start REALLY focusing on math workshop after Christmas.  I talked to lots of different teachers who use a math workshop format with Investigations and finally found something that works for me.  My kids are doing so great with it right now.  They love math and sharing their strategies and I am really seeing how they're grown as mathematicians.

Thinking: It's already report card time in our district.  Granted, the report cards are not due until next week but I like having them done before the quarter ends so they're not hanging over my head.  I'm hoping to get them finished up in the next few days while my kiddos are practicing for their music program on Thursday.  All I have left to do is comments and actual posted grades.  But still - report cards suck.

Wanting: Ryan always loves planning a big trip at the end of the school year for us - whether somewhere in the states or somewhere out of the country.  Last year we went to Cancun and he's planning another amazing trip for us again this year.  He loves making us have the best trips while we are able too.  So thankful that he takes the time to plan the best trips and times together.

Needing: My kiddos need some Readers Theatre ideas.  They love to act and pretend and I would love to put that to use in a positive and learning environment.  If anyone has some great readers theatre ideas on TPT or blogs let me know!

Spring Break Plans: Husband and I may take a weekend trip to the cities to do some shopping and hit up IKEA as we are redoing our master bedroom - or, we may stay home and relax and clean.  Which, more than likely will be the case.  But that's okay! :)

Thanks for checking out my currently!  Until next time!


  1. My hubby and I just made a trip to IKEA last week to get a night stand, shelves, coffee table and end tables! It’s so crazy there but so worth it once you gear yourself up for the craziness! Good luck with the redo!

  2. I wish I would have watched tonight's Bachelor episode! Here I am sitting at home with nothing to do, and I forgot to turn it on! Sounds like it was interesting though. Also, I recently went to the Cancun area myself and I wish I could go back. Have fun planning your next trip!
